Before I/O, Google teases the Pixel Fold


Well, there is one of the big “surprises” at Google I/O 2023.

After years of rumors that Google was working on a foldable Pixel phone, the company suddenly revealed the device less than a week before the big conference where it would be officially announced. In a tweet on Thursday, Google gave us definitive proof that the Pixel Fold exists.

See also:

Everything you can expect to see at Google I/O 2023

It’s only a quick 8 second teaser video, but it shows enough. We can see a phone that kind of looks like two (thin) Pixel 7s stacked on top of each other, complete with a nearly identical metal camera band on the back. Similar to the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 4, it has an outer screen that’s almost phone-shaped and an inner screen that’s almost tablet-shaped when opened.

It’s fun to joke that Google spoiled the surprise, but the truth is, thanks to leaks and rumors, there isn’t much left to ruin. This is life in the world of big tech. Nothing stays a secret for long.

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