There are blue checkmarks in Gmail that are meaningful
What you need to know
Gmail will display a check mark icon next to “legitimate email senders”.
It uses Google’s Brand Indicators Message Identification System (BIMI) to authenticate senders and prevent “impersonators”.
All personal, Google Workspace, or legacy G Suite Gmail accounts will be able to see check marks, but only owners of the official domain name can receive check mark authentication.
Despite all the notoriety surrounding “blue flags” thanks to Twitter Blue, account verification is a useful way to prevent scams, and more and more companies are using it. First came Meta Verified on Facebook and Instagram, and now Gmail will verify that the emails you receive come from “real” sources.
In a Google Workspace blog post on Wednesday (Opens in a new tab)the company explained how it will use the check mark as well as the Brand Indicators for Message Identification (BIMI) system — which was first adopted in 2021 — to determine the legitimacy of a sender.
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