After first stating it wouldn't, Twitter now says it would permit API exceptions for utilities and weather notifications


Elon Musk has gone with a ton of dubious choices on Twitter since getting down to business. Yet, maybe none has been scrutinized more pointedly than the choice to cut Public help and security-basic records from Twitter's Programming interface, except if they pay for the new extreme venture valuing.

Yet, Twitter seems to have altered its perspective on Tuesday.

"One of the main use cases for the Twitter Programming interface has forever been public advantage," official Twitter account @TwitterDev chirp(Opens in another tab). "Checked government or openly claimed administrations that tweet weather conditions alarms, travel updates, and crisis notices might utilize the Programming interface, for these significant purposes, for nothing."

The choice to cause exemptions for significant records that to have been as of late cut off from the Twitter Programming interface is positively a welcome one. Twitter The first hard position is that each and every individual who needed to utilize their Programming interface — other than the little $100 "Specialist" plan — needed to pay for the Venture plan, what begins at $42,000 each month.

See also:

Twitter keeps logging you out? you are not alone

Twitter’s new API plans have forced hundreds of indie developers to shut down their Twitter-based apps over the past month. As a direct result, emergency weather alert accounts operated by the National Weather Service (NWS) and public transit alert accounts such as MTA’s NYC Subway accounts have been announced.(Opens in a new tab) They will not be able to provide critical, automated and up-to-date alert services on Twitter.

It seems that cutting off the NWS and MTA has received more user feedback than any other unpopular moves on Twitter. First, these types of accounts have always played an important role in the Twitter ecosystem since the early days of the platform, helping to cement Twitter as the place for breaking news updates.

However, many details are still unclear. For example, when Twitter says “verified”, does that mean that the agency only needs to prove that the account belongs to them, or does it require an official verified Twitter account? A since-deleted tweet from the NYC Subway account operated by the MTA explained that they had not been informed of the change on Twitter yet:

Reply from a transit account in New York City

Credit: Twitter/screenshot

News that comes as a welcome surprise is increasingly rare for Twitter, which makes this announcement a refreshing change of pace, even if it’s just a reversal of a previous, apparently ill-advised announcement.

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